About PNSIdeas.com

Hi, I'm Donny D - recently, Pulse Domains launched - within their Telegram community I spotted an opportunity for me to contribute to the ecosystem. I grabbed holic/ens-ideas from GitHub, and got to work with a quick "PLS" flip.

I would like to give a special shout-out to @frolic (the original creator of ENS Ideas) for the original codebase and making it Open Source!

Thanks also to "Johnny V" and the Pulse Domains devs for the assistance in bringing this fork to life! Now, we can help everyone get cool names! 😎

I make no guarantees that this software is free of any bugs or issues - you use it at your own discretion and risk - with that said, you can inspect and build this frontend for yourself by checking out the code here, on my GitHub.

Like emoji domains? Check which ones are still available here.